Get Rich Slowly enumerates the most recession-proof jobs in the current market, as chosen by some experts.

Let’s see how I’m doing.

Per Expert #1:

1) “Engineering, because the abandoned U.S. industrial base will need to be re-tooled.”

7) “Computers and high technology, one field in which the U.S. continues to lead.”

Per Expert #2:  Well, I’m pretty hosed there, unless I hop over to IT or networking.

Expert #3: Nope, nothing I do plays well in a recession according to this opinion.

Expert #4:

2) Software design/development

11) Project management

Interesting article and I didn’t see anything in there to make anyone feel that they were not at risk.  So, buckle down and be indispensible!

[Via: Lifehacker]
Categories: Job


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