With the recent passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I was trying to think of something to honor her work and her legacy.  At the same time, I’d been thinking about a new project idea involving using the laser to etch a tile and the result was this project. It started Read more…

RPG: Earth Elementals

Some time back I was watching Jeremy on Black Magic Craft [Youtube] and in one episode he built his own epic scale Earth Elemental or Rock Golem.  If that doesn’t mean much, think Rock Monster or go watch the video. His was a very large scale build and I don’t Read more…

RPG: One-Shot Crazy

Years ago now, when I first started trying to explain my Role Playing Group to my wife, it was clear that she didn’t see what I saw.  Didn’t see the epic battles, the intense negotiations, the realization that discretion really is the better part of valor and retreat is always Read more…

RPG: Dungeon Stuff

This is a short post about a few different small projects I did just to build something Two things converge in this: I like making stuff.  My entire career is creating things that are based in software.  You can’t hold it, you can’t feel it, you can’t point at it Read more…