If you’re going to publicly post your goals, you ought to remain publicly accountable. At least that’s what I read. On the Interwebs. Somewhere.
So, how am I doing? I’ll use a classic US letter grading scheme and see how that goes.
Goal 1: Health
I had a very good January. I picked an eating plan (the DASH diet) and have stuck to it reasonably well and I got a really good jump towards my goal weight. I’m cautiously optimistic because the diet is not easy and is based on dramatically cutting back on carbs which I still love and crave and occasionally dream about. While I’m happy I was able to stick to it for the last three weeks, the real test is staying on it, hitting my goal and sticking with it.
I haven’t been as successful on the exercise component. In part due to some spectacularly bad weather where I live in January in to February, but that’s just an excuse if I were really committed.
Grade: A- (knocked down for the lack of exercise)
Goal 2: Tech Refresh
I’ve put off working through more directly applicable tech refreshing (eg Java) in favor of learning a reasonably complicated piece of 3D software called Blender. I love CG (Computer Graphics) animation and modeling and Blender can be used to create 3D models which I can then print on my 3D Printer, which has been a goal for some time. So, this is where I’m spending that time.
My results so far are roughly akin to a six year old with a box of crayons and more colors than they know what to do with, but I’m having fun.
Grade: B+
Goal 3: Read some non-Fiction
Read a DASH Diet book which sort of served multiple goals, but that’s totally okay.
Grade: A
Goal 4: Document some Projects
Did two in January (Vancouver Rocks and 3D Risers) and I’ve got at least one planned for February, so I’m on track for this goal.
Grade: A
Goal 5: Volunteer
I’ve signed up for a Volunteer opportunity at work and I’m donating blood, both in February, so I’m doing well on this.
Extra Credit: A
Using my advanced math skills, that’s an aggregate grade of 3.75, so a solid A-. I’ll take it!