Recent Blog Posts
Make: NanoLeaf
I was surfing around on YouTube one day and ran across a project presented by a version personable British fellow who wanted to teach me how to make my own configurable lighting panels which he called NanoLeaf. These are similar but different from a product called NanoLeaf Shapes which you […]
Make: Canning Jar Lid Organizers!
My lovely daughter-in-law texted me an image a while back and asked if I could make her some organizers for canning jar lids. I immediately responded that of course I could! Then my laser broke. Sigh. What should have been an easy project became a much lengthy one because I […]
Once upon a time, in the Before Times (call it the 1990s), software engineers would add to an otherwise boring login by displaying additional things like time, date or weather. Another was to display a random fortune. Some are movie quotes, some are literary quotes and some are just fortunes. Some are profane and some are a little profound. This bit of code accesses an online API to generate a fortune and display it.
Credit to HelloACM, which provides and hosts the API for this and many other cool things.
Staff Spotlight
This is our Staff Spotlight where we focus on some of the folks who help make us who we are!
Credit to HelloACM for the random identity generator, for the AI generated headshots and Pixabay for the random backgrounds and for the quotes api.
Random Colors of the Day
Find some inspiration to brighten your colorspace! The three options below are based on trying to assign names to colors as they are represented on a computer screen, typically via a hex value like this: "#546789". Each pair represents the strength of the Red, Green and Blue value. Back in the day, the X11 Consortium declared that colors would be stored in a file called "rgb.txt" and many had names associated with them. Additionally, I found a list of colors and names based on Resene colors. The third one is what happens if you pick a random value and call it a random name. Very useful and highly scientific.
From the classic X11 file rgb.txt
From the set of Resene colors.
A unique color and name, created just for you!
This is a place where I keep my stuff on the web. The contents and appearance change with time, but tend to reflect my interests. Those interests include: writing, technology, computers, software (both as a user and a developer), 3D printing, crafting, role playing games, computer games, music, art and woodworking to name a few. I do a variety of things that change often and sometimes without warning and typically reflect things I'm curious about.